220 years, leading to this moment!|超出片!220年,只为等这一刻
Century Magnolia
Recent days have seen the “Century Magnolia” of Shuangye village bathed in bloom. After more than two centuries of weathering every storm the world has had to offer, it still stands tall, brimming with life, its flowers gifting the gentle breeze with their faint fragrance for all to enjoy. Viewed from a distance, its towering form takes on the mystique of a “flower fairy,” descending with ease and grace from the sky above, its thick petals forming delicate, charming galaxies of jade-white calyxes with wisps of radiant red.
近日,夏履镇双叶村的那棵“世纪玉兰”繁花满枝。经历了两个多世纪的沧桑,这棵古玉兰依然充满了旺盛的生命力。微拂的春风里,不时有缕缕若有若无的淡淡花香飘过。远远望去,玉兰树就像翩翩降临的“花仙子”,重重花瓣组成了饱满舒展的花球,温润玉白的萼部带点淡淡的橡皮红色,给玉兰平添了一丝妩媚。Its placard issued by the People’s Government of Keqiao District on June 2018 describes its ancient mass as rising 18 meters high, stretching 2.8 meters in circumference, claiming 12.5 meters in average crown, and living 215 years. At 220 years old, the “Century Magnolia” deserves its name in every regard.
图片:高洁 摄